Happy Valley Neighborhood Association


HVNA Community and Board Meeting

Join us to meet your neighbors and discuss issues and events of interest to Happy Valley neighborhood residents
Everyone is welcome!

When: Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 7 PM – 9 PM

Where: Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Community Room, 1720 Harris Ave.

Zoom option available. Please contact Jake Charlton at jakecharlton@gmail.com.

Southside Community Meal

Join Happy Valley Neighborhood Association and Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church as they provide a monthly “homemade” meal on Sunday, Jan. 19, 2025, from 5 pm to 6:30 pm.

Gather with and get to know your neighbors. Everyone is invited, and the meal is free.

If you are interested in volunteering to do food prep, serve food, clean-up and/or donate food or money, contact the church office at (360) 733-6749 or Wendy Scherrer at (360)319-9518 or bluegreen.northwest@gmail.com

Event Details:

  • Menu: TBD
  • When: Sunday, Jan. 19, 2025; 5 pm to 6:30 pm
  • Where: Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, 1720 Harris Ave. Bellingham WA
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