Happy Valley Work Party
Canceled. Will reschedule in March.
Join the Happy Valley Neighborhood Association for a Work Party to continue restoring an undeveloped Right-of-Way on Saturday, February 8, 2025, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Members will help in spreading wood chips, weeding and installing wire cages to protect trees from deer.
Snacks and beverages provided!
Event Details:
- When: Saturday February 8, 2025; 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
- Where: 27th St. R.O.W at Durbin Dr.
- Bring: gloves, shovel, hori horis, wheelbarrow
- Wear: sturdy boots and weather appropriate clothing
About the 27th St. R.O.W
The 27th St. is an undeveloped Right of Way located between Durbin Dr. and Douglas Ave. in the Happy Valley Neighborhood. The Right of Way is a citizen led project and green space creation with a connector trail. It is open to the public and maintained by the neighborhood. It has been planted with native conifers and understory plants. It is a well used path and accessible green space for the community.
Southside Community Meal
Join Happy Valley Neighborhood Association and Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church as they provide a monthly “homemade” meal from 5 pm to 6:30 pm.
Gather with and get to know your neighbors. Everyone is invited, and the meal is free.
If you are interested in volunteering to do food prep, serve food, clean-up and/or donate food or money, contact the church office at (360) 733-6749 or Wendy Scherrer at (360)319-9518 or bluegreen.northwest@gmail.com
Event Details:
- Time: 5 PM – 6:30 PM
- Dates:
- January 19
- February 16
- March 16
- April 20
- May 18
- September 21
- October 19
- November 16
- Where: Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, 1720 Harris Ave. Bellingham WA
HVNA Community and Board Meeting
Join us to meet your neighbors and discuss issues and events of interest to Happy Valley neighborhood residents
Everyone is welcome!
Event Details:
- Time: 7 PM – 9 PM
- Dates:
- January 14
- February 11
- March 11
- April 8
- May 13
- June 10
- July 8
- August 12
- September 9
- October 14
- November 11
- December 9
- Where: Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Community Room, 1720 Harris Ave.
Zoom option available. Please contact Jake Charlton at jakecharlton@gmail.com.
HVNA Connelly Creek Work Party
Join the Happy Valley Neighborhood Association for a major tree planting event in Connelly Creek Nature Area on Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 10 AM – 1 PM.
Members will be digging tree circles, planting trees, mulching, and staking them.
Snacks and beverages provided!
- When: February 15, 10 AM – 1 PM
- Where: Connolly Creek Nature Area. Rendezvous at Sven Hoyt Community Garden 32nd St. Parking on 32nd St. please.
- Bring: gloves, shovel, hori horis, wheelbarrow
- Wear: sturdy boots and weather appropriate clothing.
Contact: Alex McLean, dirthippie@gmail.com
HVNA Larrabee ROW Work Party
Join the Happy Valley Neighborhood Association to continue restoring the Larrabee Right-of-Way Native Habitat and Pollinator Garden, Saturday, February 22 from 10 AM – 1 PM.
Members will be weeding, removing invasive species, and mulching.
Snacks and warm drinks provided!
Event details:
- When: Saturday, February 22, 2025, 10 AM – 1 PM
- Where: Larrabee and 22nd Sts.
- Bring: gloves, shovel, Hori hori, wheelbarrow
- Wear: sturdy boots and weather appropriate clothing.
Contact: Wendy Scherrer, bluegreen.northwest@gmail.com
Sponsored in part by a 2024 Small & Simple grant from the City of Bellingham.